
Thursday, January 30, 2014

David And Goliath Coloring Page With Key Teaching Verse, 1 Samuel 17:45

This is a free 1 Samuel 17:45 print and color page for kids and adults.

It is a different David and Goliath coloring page. Here David's statement of Faith in The Lord Of Host is the point of the coloring page, not just a picture of a giant and a boy. This is for those who want to go deeper into the story of David and Goliath than just the surface of conflict where evil is defeated by a child.

Samuel 17:45 says,

"David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with sword, spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of host, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied."   1 Samuel 17:45


CLICK HERE to subscribe to my coloring pages; you will receive a new one every week. Or, to make a one-time donation without subscribing, use the PayPal button below the image.

An illustration of David and Goliath to print and color.
David and Goliath Coloring Page. 1 Samuel 17:45
 Use the PayPal button to make your one-time gift to support my Bible art. 

Thank You!
👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.


Some people have trouble printing the image below or are printing on A-4-sized paper.  CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page. I have some helpful tips for you there. There is a link below that may print better if you have problems.

The face of David and Goliath gives some opportunity to be creative. The letters may be colored in.

I have many more coloring pages. To go to a list of direct links to hundreds of my coloring pages, CLICK HERE. 

I like to draw Bible verse printables because I love God's word, and I hope they are a blessing to you. 

Blessings, and Thank You,
Free Kid's Bible Activity Mini-Magazine

© A. E. Dozat 1/30/14
Isaiah 55:10-11

When you make your monthly pledge of only $3:50, you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a children's activity printable booklet every week. 

Click 👆above 👆 to subscribe. When you subscribe to my coloring pages, you will receive a new one every week. Or, to make a one-time donation without subscribing, use the PayPal button below the image.

Blessings, and Thank You,
© A. E. Dozat 1/30/14
Isaiah 55:10-11