
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Lent day 33 Print and Color page With Mark 8:28 Scripture

This is a free Print and Color Page for Lent, Day 33, with Mark 8:29 Scripture.

Here is the question all of us must answer, "Who is Jesus?" This verse is a wonderful challenge to our view of Jesus. Peter got it right.

Mark 8:29 says,

“But what about you?” Jesus asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.”  Mark 8:2

I took a whole evening to design and draw this coloring page for you. I printed the words out and then traced the flowers around them. The straight lines were done after I scanned it into the computer.

For help with printing, visit the "HOW TO PRINT" tab above or try one of the updated links below that should print better.


I draw these coloring pages because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you.  I do not charge you to print my coloring pages, but please make a small contribution to support my art? Please click HERE TO DONATE and enter an amount that shows your level of appreciation.  Your small gift will let me know my art is appreciated, and then I will be able to create more for you. 

Lent day 33 Print and Color page by MrAdron, With Mark 8:28 Scripture

Below are two links that have been modified to print better on some printers.

CLICK HERE to go to a JPEG doc photo file that may work better on some printers.

JPEGs work well on most printers, but if you have problems, try the PDF.

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.

There are a lot of ways that you can color this. The letters are big enough to fill in. There are flowers around the border. There are frame bars that can be colored in. Do not forget to color the background but not too dark.

(c) Adron 4/7/19
Isaiah 55:10-11

If you are able, won't you consider making a small contribution to support my art? Please click HERE and enter an amount that shows your level of appreciation. Thank you. 

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