
Friday, December 4, 2020

Is There a Fun Outreach And Discipleship Resource For Your Children?

Here is a way to offer a fun experience and support Christian discipleship in your home and church.


BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY is my thank you gift to those who support my art through Patreon. It is a resource that creates opportunities for spontaneous spirit-guided conversations that have the potential to change lives.

The ten scripture activities are accompanied by discussion questions that parents and teachers can use to engage kids deeper.

This is a booklet that subscribers receive every week for use at home, church, club, outreach camp, or anywhere that God's work is being done. It has four printed and reproduced pages back to back and then folded like a program. There are ten fun activities that children actually look forward to doing. The activities include a crossword puzzle, one or more word searches, a maze puzzle, a scrambler puzzle, and more.  

CLICK HERE to access a list of free issues that you can download today.

Each activity is scripture-focused in a profound way. The verse is the source of the answers or word bank for the puzzle. Children are exposed to God's Word as children do the puzzles or activities. 

The discussion questions tie into the activity and become the beginnings of heart-to-heart conversations that lead to discipleship. They say more is caught than is taught, and as you talk about the scripture, it is a natural teaching event.  

For a pledge of only $3.50 a month through Patreon, you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a printable kid's activity booklet with word puzzles, pictures to color, and brain teasers. 

Become a Patron!

Issue 81 is now available, and you can see a sample below.  

Sample pages 1,2 of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY issue 81

I started to create Bible verse coloring pages for a Bible club at my church called AWANAS. Then I made a Bible fun magazine that I printed on four pages and sent to the kids who came to our church's summer Vacation Bible school. I made the magazine for a few months, and it was a HUGE amount of work to design it, draw it, print it, and send it out in the mail, and I could not keep it up. 

Now I have improved my skills and use a computer for some of what I do, and I created some templates to make things easier, but it still takes 25 to 30 hours each week to create BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY. When you see it, you will agree that it represents a lot of thought and work. 

I love God's Word, and I believe His Spirit uses His Word in the lives of children. I believe God gives us gifts so we can be gifts to others, and I want to use my gift of creativity for His glory. I've taught Sunday school, children's church, VBS, and AWANAS, so I know there is no greater joy than to see children give their lives to Jesus, and BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY is part of the sowing of the seed in children's hearts. 
Here are some of the scriptures in issue 81.

Part 1, for the older students, pages 1-2
  • The coloring picture is inspired by Philippians 2:4a.
  • The word search comes from Luke 9:57-58.
  • The crossword uses Joshua 24:14-15.
  • The explorer's challenge (mini Bible study) uses Proverbs 3:11-12.
  • The cipher puzzle uses 1 Corinthians 2:2.
Part 2, for younger students, pages 3 - 4
  • The large-letter word search uses Colossians 3:1-2.
  • The 2nd coloring page is from John 16:33b. 
  • The maze uses words from John 10:9a.
  • The scrambled letter puzzle uses 2 Corinthians 5:17.
  • The dot to dot tracer uses Psalm 100:1.
Part 3, Page 5a&b, for parents and teachers, a discussion question for each activity.

Some of these scriptures are all-time favorites, but you'll notice several are the more difficult, "hard sayings of Jesus." Many programs avoid challenging teachings for whatever reason. If it was so important that Jesus had to say it, we should be careful to thoughtfully present these teachings too. 

When you subscribe through Patreon, you will have immediate access to the archives of recent issues.  
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(C) Adron 12/4/20
Isaiah 55:9-10

Support my blog through Patreon for $3.50 a month, and not only will you receive BIBLE TIME FUN EVERY WEEK, but you will also have immediate access to the archives of the recent issues.

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