
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Free Psalm 127: Crossword Puzzle for Unless the Lord Builds the House Bible Verse.

This is a free Bible verse crossword puzzle for Psalms 127:1.


It is my original work. It is a free sample of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY which I create every week as a thank you gift for those who support my art through Patreon.  It is a printable multi-page activity booklet for kids and can be used in  Church, Bible clubs, classes, camps, and family devotions. Each of the activities are scripture-based and has a discussion question.  When you support my Bible art with a $3.50 a month pledge you will receive an email every week with links to the PDF and the Word doc which you can print and distribute to those you are reaching out to.

HOW TO RECEIVE BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY for your family and community click the link below,  go to my Patreon page where you can become a supporter.

The verse is the word bank for the puzzle. All the words in the puzzle are found in the verse so as you are doing the puzzle you are becoming exposed to God's Word.

Psalm 127:1 says,

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. Psalm 127:1.

This is a beautiful scripture of comfort and it directs us to have faith in the workings of the Lord. 

If you want to study this verse in some detail here is a link to a hub of commentaries on it. CLICK HERE.

The file below is a JPEG and should print fine on most printers. If you have problems making the image below print CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page, I have gathered some helpful tips for you and put them there. There is also an updated file below that may work better. 

Free Psalm 127:1 Crossword Puzzle for a Children's Activity Bulletin 

Below is a file of the left side page that I cut and embedded in a word doc that may be easier to use cut and paste to work with.

CLICK HERE for the updated file, give it a moment to load. 

Blessings, and Thank you
© Adron D. 2/4/2021
Isaiah 55:10-11

If you support my coloring pictures blog through Patreon with a monthly gift of $3.50 you will receive the thank you gift of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY every week, AND you will have immediate access to the archives of recent issues. Click the button below.
Thank you.

Become a Patron!