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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Issue 107 of Printable Bible Kid's Activities Pages

Here is Issue 107 (free version) of  BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a children's activity booklet.

I am delighted with the appearance and contents of this issue. It is full of fun activities for kids of all ages. 

It is a joy for me to share God's word in the fresh medium of these activity bulletins with you. I hope that you can find ways to use them with your children, ministry, and family. 

It is the usual "Grab-bag" of scripture, but a prayerful "Grab-bag" because somehow this issue became loaded with some all-time favorites. 


In this issue are 10 activities in 4 pages that fold like a bulletin. It has pictures to color, word search, crossword, scrambler, and more.
It has Gospel verses. Matthew 11:28-29, Ephesians 2:8-9.
It has Scriptures that call our hearts to wonder and worship. Revelation 22:19. John 1:1.
There are words of comfort. Psalm 30:5, Psalm 23:1.
There are verses of discipleship Matthew 6:33, 1 Peter 3:15, James 1:12.

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF for the free version.  


Support my Bible verse art coloring pictures blog through Patreon with a monthly gift of $3.50, and as my thank you for your support, you will receive an email with links to BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a printable children's activity booklet, every week. These will contain the BONUS pages that are available only to patrons. Click the button below.

Thank you for your kind support.

Issue 107 BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY Sample page 2

Issue 107 BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY Sample Page 3

Remember VBS and backyard Bible clubs are coming to a neighborhood near you. You can use BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY as a follow-up material by forwarding it to participants, or you can fold it and put it into the mail. Kids love to get mail, and parents won't complain about printing it out at home. That way, every week, families will have a refresher of the gospel and a reminder of your love and interest in them. 

It takes me hours to draw these activity bulletins, but I draw them because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you.

Blessings, and Thank You
A. E. Dozat
Isaiah 55:10-11

May I share with you a ministry I support?  Because I believe in God's Word and the Gospel's power to change lives, I donate to the Southern Cross Bible Distribution Project- an outreach of the Southern Baptist Convention.  Southern Cross distributes Bibles to internationals in their own language, particularly Mandarin.  CLICK HERE  to visit their website so you may learn more about how to support them through prayer and other means.