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About Me

Hi, I'm Adron Dozat.

My first love of art began as a kid, coloring in coloring books. I would ask my mom to buy a coloring book and color every page in an evening. As I grew up, so did my interest in creating art. I went from crayons to pencils in elementary school to watercolor secondary school, then to oil paint and many other mediums later in life. I continue to explore art and develop my talent.

Art has been a lifelong passion, a hobby, and a business for me for over forty years. I have won many awards and sold much work in multiple mediums.

My greatest joy is to partner with my adult son and daughter in different art projects, including a two hundred square foot mural at South Columbia Baptist Church, in our hometown of Columbia MD.

A large amount of my work expresses faith in God and his son Jesus my Savior. I feel strongly that art can be a powerful instrument of change, and a man who is yielded to the Master's guidance will see his gifts, art, or otherwise, used for good.

I hope that these coloring pages will bring pleasure and may be used to inspire young minds to love the world I see around me and God, who gives these blessings to us.

The Artist Prayer By Adron

Father God,
Let me not forget that life is a gift.
I know all talent comes from you.
And you give talent so that
I can use it in Your service.
Help me to remember that all I do is yours
This is is Your painting,
Your brushes, Your Paint,
And Your hands.
May every line and brush stroke
Bring You Glory.
I yield my weakness to You,
And Receive Your Grace.
I surrender this task to Your will.
And thank You for the privilege of doing so.

(C) Adron

To read more of my poems and prayers go to:;