You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Free Printable Children's Bible Activity Puzzle Magazine Issue 130

I am glad to create another BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY activity booklet for you. 



This is another 4-page activity book (Subscribers receive the 6-page version) that you can print, center staple, and fold into a booklet and give to the kids. This issue has a lot of fun things to do and challenge your brain while engaging in God's Holy Word. 


This week, as I was reading Psalms 27, I was impressed with how one chapter can have lots of powerful verses, so I picked a few from that chapter for this issue. I struggled with one of the scriptures. Psalm 27:10 is a little dark but has been very meaningful for me. Perhaps the Lord is preparing this issue for someone who needs that verse. I felt compelled to use it at the last minute. It is the drop word puzzle.  

I hope you can use this in your church or Bible club, like Awanas or Good News Club. 


The "Let's talk about it" questions will help teachers and parents to have Spirit-led conversations because of these questions. 


Go to my Patreon pledge page and pledge only $3:50 a month, and you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY every week. You will receive additional material available only to patrons, as well as an editable Word Doc. It has puzzles, coloring pictures, and games for the kids. You can share it with the kids in your church, Awana Bible club, class, camp, VBS, Backyard Bible club, school, and home. Use the button below. 

Thank You!

Below are samples of 2 of the 4 pages from issue 130

Romans 12:1 crossword puzzle from BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY
activity magazine.

Romans 12:2 Word search from the activity puzzle magazine,

It takes me hours to create these activity booklets, but I make them because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you. You are welcome to print as many as you can use. Use the Paypal button to make your donation.

Thank You!

Issue 130 contains the following activities and scriptures:
There is a quiz about different women named Mary as part of a find the difference puzzle (subscriber's version).
There is a coloring page with Psalm 27:1 (subscriber's version).
There is a code breaker puzzle with Isaiah 53:5. (subscriber's version).
There is a shape sort puzzle with Psalm 27:4. (subscriber's version).
The Explorer's challenge uses Hebrews 4:15.
The backward puzzle uses Psalm 27:8.
Word search with Romans 12:2.
Coloring page with Proverbs 3:5-6.
A crossword puzzle with Romans 12:1.
A scrambler with 2 Corinthians 5:21.
A word search with Romans 1:16.
The drop word puzzle uses Psalm 27:10.
A hidden letter puzzle with Psalm 107:1.
A maze puzzle with Psalm 145:9.
A memory verse Craft with Galatians 6:2. 

I hope this little activity booklet blesses you. Be sure to return every week to get the latest issue for your ministry and church. 

To see a list of all the available issues that you can download today (free versions), CLICK HERE. These are in PDF format. The free versions do not have the extra pages that the subscribers receive in the weekly email. 

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for the PDF to issue 130 of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY (Free version).

Blessings and Thank You,
A.E. Dozat 
Isaiah 55:10-11