
日本語 Japanese Coloring Pages

I am excited and humbled to be able to create Bible verse coloring pages in the Japanese language. I only speak a few words in Japanese, so please forgive any mistakes I make. 

I am listing these in the order of the English Bible with Genesis at the bottom and Revelation at the top. 

Here is my catalog of the posts I have created for Bible Verse coloring pictures in Japanese. Click on the link, and it will take you to my post, and from there, you can choose to download the PDF or the JPEG. 

I am still creating coloring pages in Japanese, but they take a lot of time, so please be patient and come back often.

I hope you can use these.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7  1コリント13:3-4日本語の印刷物とカラーページ

Romans 6:23 ローマの信徒への手紙 6:23, 罪の支払う報酬は死である。しかし神の賜物は、わたしたちの主キリスト・イエスにおける永遠のいのちである (The wages of sin is death...)

John 3:16 coloring page in Japanese. 

John 1:12, しかし、彼を受けいれた者、すなわち、その名を信じた人々には、彼は神の子となる力を与えたのである (as many as received him ... verse)

Matthew 14:33 Jesus walks on the water. This link leads to a multi-language post where I loaded several pages onto one post. When you open the link, you may need to scroll down and choose the language version you want. 

Isaiah 53:6, 6 われわれはみな羊のように迷って、おのおの自分の道に向かって行った。主はわれわれすべての者の不義を、彼の上におかれた . (All we like sheep have gone astray...)

Psalm 121:1-2 わたしは山にむかって目をあげる。わが助けは、どこから来るであろうか。わが助けは、天と地を造られた主から来る。(I lift my eyes up to the mountains ...)

Psalm100:1 全地よ、主にむかって喜ばしき声をあげよ (Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth).

Psalm 42:1, 詩編 42:1 神よ、しかが谷川を慕いあえぐように、わが魂もあなたを慕いあえぐ, This post has two versions of the text, one is horizontal, and the other is vertical with verses 1, 2.