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Friday, April 30, 2021

Free Jesus Walks on Water Coloring Page with Matthew 14:33 Scripture

Here is a coloring page that you can print and color. It features Jesus walking on water and the disciples reacting in fright. 


There is a verse that is part of the picture. Matthew 14:33."Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."" Matthew 14:33.

The verse is the conclusion of the passage. It makes the point that the disciples were filled with awe and worshiped Jesus. When we experience Jesus, we can't help but worship him. 

If you want to study this verse, here is a link to a hub of helpful commentaries on it that are gathered from more respected sources. CLICK HERE.



It took me days to draw this picture. It was part of another project. I did a lot of tracing and sketching of the parts repeatedly. Then and after all the details seemed right, I traced it as a whole. After that, I scanned it all into the computer and cleaned it up on the computer. I even made some significant changes using the computer. There were several hours of fiddling and adjusting on the computer. It was a lot of work, but I am happy because I wanted to capture the drama of the disciples. I hope you like it and can use it. 


The art below is in JPEG format and should print fine on most printers. These coloring pages are designed on US standard paper sizes. If you are using an international size, you can change the settings in the dialog box of your printer. If you have trouble printing any of them, see the HOW TO PRINT tab.  I put an updated link below in PDF that may print better on some devices.


I believe in God's Word. And I believe that it is living and has the power to change lives. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and believe he offers salvation free to all who come to him. My blog is seen worldwide, so I've included added printables in Spanish, Korean, and Chinese languages. I pray that the Lord can use this ministry of art to the nations. 


Support my coloring pictures blog through Patreon with a monthly gift of $3.50. As my thank you for your support, you will receive an email with BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a printable children's activity mini-magazine every week. (CLICK HERE to see a list of free samples). It is a fun way to learn God's word. These will contain the BONUS pages that are available only to patrons. Click the button below.

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Free Jesus Walks On Water Coloring Page with Matthew 14:33 Scripture

It takes me hours to draw these coloring pages, but I draw them because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you.

Thank you for your kind support. 

Below is a file in PDF which may print better on some devices.

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.

All of the images below are in one file; DOWNLOAD THE PDF HERE.

This is the verse in Korean.

무료 예수님은 한국어로 된 마태 복음 14:33 성경과 함께 물 색칠 페이지를 걸으 십니다

This is the verse in Spanish.

Página para colorear de Jesús camina sobre el agua gratis
 con las Escrituras de Mateo 14:33, en español

This is the verse in traditional Chinese.


This is the verse in Chinese- modern punctuation.


There are a lot of opportunities to be creative with this coloring page. You can make the sky dark like night or bright like the full dawn and color the sun's rays yellow or gold. The water can be darker in the foreground and lighter as it nears the horizon.  The boat can be brown-grey or red.

Blessings and Thank you
Bible Time Fun Weekly Cover, Issue 153

(C) Adron 4/30/21
Isaiah 55:10-11

You can support my Bible art. 
Make a pledge of only $3.50 a month through Patreon; you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a children's Bible verse activity booklet every week. Use the button below to get started.