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Monday, July 12, 2021

1 Corinthians 13:3-4 in Print and Color Page in the Japanese Language


It gives me so much joy to share with you this free 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 Printable coloring page In Japanese.

This is from the great Love chapter from the Bible. The picture below has verses 4-7. When you color the characters to the words, it helps you memorize them, and when it is displayed, it is a reminder of God's Word. It is a great kids' craft or coloring page for adults to enjoy too. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says, 
4 愛は寛容であり、愛は情深い。また、ねたむことをしない。愛は高ぶらない、誇らない、
5 不作法をしない、自分の利益を求めない、いらだたない、恨みをいだかない。
6 不義を喜ばないで真理を喜ぶ。
7 そして、すべてを忍び、すべてを信じ、すべてを望み、すべてを耐える。;
コリントの信徒への手紙一 13 4-7

For a list of available Bible verse coloring pages in Japanese, CLICK HERE.


This is designed for USA standard letter paper size. If you are using a different size, you may need to change the settings for your printer through the dialogue box. If you have problems getting the file to print, CLICK HERE to visit my HOW TO PRINT page, where I have some tips that may help. You can try one of the updated links below that should print better.


I would be delighted for you to receive my children's Bible activity printables every week. When you support my Bible verses, coloring pictures art through Patreon with a monthly gift of $3.50, you will receive Bible activity printables every week as my thank-you gift. Click the button below.

Thank you! 
1 Corinthians 13:3-4 Print and Color Page Japanese Language

It takes me hours to draw these coloring pages, but I love to draw them because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you.

Thank you!

Below is a link to a file that has been modified to print better on some devices.

CLICK HERE for a file in a universal format. It is a PDF.


I like to color the background a light hue and the letters a medium-dark hue. You can color the letters blue or brown or purple; I like to avoid black letters since it is boring. There are a lot of opportunities to be creative with embellishments around the border. The hearts can be red, pink, or any color; I like to add a little white in a spot like a glitter of sunlight, and I like to add a little violet around one lower edge like a shadow that makes it look round. The flowers can be all kinds of colors.  You can try to use two or three greens on the leaves and vines for interest. The frame bars can be a contrasting color like blue or something different.  

I hope you create a masterpiece!

Blessings, and Thank You.
(c) Adron 7/2/17
Isaiah 55:10-11