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Monday, May 17, 2021

Free Print and Color Page of John 3:16 in Japanese Script

Here is a print and color page of John 3:16 in Japanese.


I do not speak Japanese (I would love to learn to someday), so I used online resources to create this picture for you to color. The translation is the New Japanese Bible, and I think it is the most popular among followers of Christ.  I compared what other illustrators did with this verse and where they made the lines break, and I assumed they knew what they were doing, so I tried to follow their lead. I mostly broke the lines up by the translator's punctuation marks. 

The examples I saw had the text going vertically in some and horizontal in others. I tried to create a coloring picture with the text going vertical, but it was too time-consuming and didn't look good, so I went with the modern verticle approach.  

John 3:16 says 神はそのひとり子を賜わったほどに、この世を愛して下さった。それは御子を信じる者がひとりも滅びないで、永遠の命を得るためである。

To see a list of Bible verse coloring pages in the Japanese language, CLICK HERE.


I used the background in other language translations of this verse. I drew it in parts and did a lot of tracing. The border was done in part on the computer, and part was tracing. I used the computer to create the text.


The image below is a JPEG and should print ok but if you have problems, CLICK HERE to visit the HOW TO PRINT page for some suggestions. There is a PDF below for you if your printer prefers it. 

When you support my Bible verse coloring pages blog through PATREON with a $3.50 gift each month, you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a kids activity bulletin,  emailed to you every week. It will have coloring pictures, puzzles, activities, and more. Click the button below to sign up. 

Thank You!

Free Print and Color Page of John 3:16 in Japanese Script

I spend hours creating coloring pages like this; I do it because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you,

Thank You!

Here is a link in PDF format for you if you like PDF better than JPEG.



If you use fine-tipped markers and colored pencils, you will be able to color the text. I don't like to use black on the text; I like to use blue, brown, or something different so the black outlines won't be lost. The border can be a lot of colors, and the frame bars can be a contrasting color.   The rays of sunlight can be yellow, or you can just leave them white and color everything else. 

I hope you have fun and create a masterpiece. 

Blessings and Thank You.
(C) Adron D. 5/17/2021
Isaiah 55:10-11