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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Printable Simple Dragonfly Coloring Page

This is a printable coloring page of a simple dragonfly. 

This is perfect for a class on insects or just the fun of coloring a big bug. Parents and teachers can use this as an extra time activity or a take-home project.

Coloring pages make a nice vacation activity for in the car or on a plane. You can use them at home or in school, or in the waiting room.

Printable Dragonfly Coloring Page

Thank You!

Some printers work better with a PDF.  CLICK HERE.

  • You can highlight it with some printers and send it to your printer.
  • Some printers work better if you copy and paste the image into a Word document and then print it as you would normally. 
  • Some printers work better if you first drag the image to your desktop and print from there.
If you have problems printing, CLICK HERE to visit the "HOW TO PRINT" page or try one of the updated links below that should print better.

Dragonflies come in all colors, but the most common is blue and green. Some kids like to color the winds, all kinds of rainbow colors.

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(c) Adron D 11/7/15

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