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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Free John 8:32, Print and Color Page, And the Truth Will Set You Free Bible Verse

This is a free printable coloring page of John 8:32. 


You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free Bible verse. This verse has been a challenge and inspiration to the faithful for generations. 

John 8:32 says, 

"So Jesus said to those who believed in him, "if you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.." John 8:32.


John 8:31-32 Print and Color Page
"And the Truth Will Set You Free..." Bible verse.

 Use the PayPal button to make your donation.

Thank You!

If the image above does not work for you, the PDF below is a better option.

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.

The file below is a JPEG and should print nicely on most systems. If you need help printing, "CLICK HERE" to visit my how-to-print page for some helpful suggestions.
For my Spanish friends

Juan 8: 31-32 Imprima y coloree la página
"Y la verdad los hará libres ..." Versículo bíblico.

A continuación se muestra un enlace a un archivo en PDF que puede funcionar mejor si el anterior no funciona. (Below is a link to a file in PDF that may work better if the one above does not work).

👉👉👉 HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para la página para colorear en PDF. (CLICK HERE for the coloring page in PDF).

It makes a great Bible craft time activity. It helps you memorize the scripture when you color the letters, and when it is done, this is a beautiful reminder of the Bible's teaching.

I spend hours creating coloring pages like this; I do it because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you.

It helps you memorize the scripture when you color the letters, and when it is done, this is a beautiful reminder of the Bible's teaching.


The letters can be colored in with colored pencils or fine-tipped markers. There are a lot of ways you can color this picture. 
It has some vines and ribbons around the border to color and an image of a bible at the bottom. 
The letters are open; you can color them with fine-tipped markers or colored pencils. 
The backgrounds can be colored, too, and the frame bars can contrast the other colors.

Blessings, and Thank You.
Sample of Bible Time Fun Activity booklet

© Adron D. 3/3/19
Isaiah 55:10-11

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