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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bible Fun Time Printable Issue Number 9

I am glad to share issue 9 of Bible Fun Times printable handout for kids.

I make these Bible activity printables for my friends and my church every week. And I also send them to people who support my blog as a thank you for their support.  I spent a lot of time selecting the scriptures and finding clear translations so young minds will not be confused.

Sample of one of my Bible Fun Pages
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This handout is for those who want their kids to really engage in God's Word in a potentially life-changing way, not just color another picture of Noah or Daniel.


The coloring picture is John 10:11, "I am the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep." I choose this because it brings kids to see that Jesus is not just the baby in a manger.
The word search uses Mark 10:31. This verse is an invitation to sell all and follow Jesus. It is a strong verse about choosing to follow Jesus.
The "Word Bank " for the crossword puzzle is Proverbs 3: 5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart ..."  As youth do the puzzle and look at the verse for the answer to the clues they will be exposed to faith as a practical lifestyle.
The mini-Bible study is Matthew 22:37-39, The Greatest commandment verse. As the children do the activities, they will be thinking about the meaning of loving God.
The scrambler is Romans 5:8. It is another Gospel verse that reaffirms God's love and his acceptance of us "even while we were still sinners."


I spent one evening after work designing and drawing the coloring page. It took almost three evenings to get the Bible verse crossword puzzle just right. I know some websites will generate crossword puzzles, but they do not have a real puzzle look since they tend to join many words by the first letter. The rest of the printable took another two nights, but I've been refining it many times in the last few weeks.

This week's Bible Fun Pages have a few extra little things to color: a crown, a heart, and a scroll.


After VBS, Vacation Bible School, or Church Camp, follow up by mailing copies of these Bible Fun Pages to those who attended. It will remind them of the fun week they had in camp and inspire them to return to other programs you may offer.
Sample of Bible Fun Time Printable
See the link above for information.

If you are a supporter, you should receive an email with a link to a PDF and a Word doc format, so no matter what your system or printer is using, you should be able to get a good print.

Use the Patreon button to become a supporter of my blog, and you will have immediate access to the archive of recent issues. 

(C) Adron 7/18/19
Isaiah 55:10-11

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