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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I have come as a light Bible verse, Free Print and Color Page John 12:46

This is a free printable coloring page with John 12:46.

John 12:46 is a powerful verse about the person of Christ and his purpose in coming. It is the "I have come as a light" verse.  It is a great scripture of promise and hope. 

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If you want to study this verse, here is a link to a hub of helpful commentaries on it. CLICK HERE.


John 12:46 says,

"I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark John 12:46.

Free John 12:46 Print And Color Page I have come as the light to the World

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Below is a PDF that may print better for some.

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.

If you have problems making the image below print, then CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some helpful suggestions, or try the updated link below.


I am glad to draw these coloring pages because I love the Word of the Lord, and I hope they are a blessing to you.

I had to trace the border twice and then scan it into the computer, where I added the straight lines. The letters to the words were done on the computer first and, after a few steps, added to the picture. It sounds simple, but it took a little over three hours to do.   

I hope you make it a beautiful picture. 
There are lots of vines and flowers to color. 
You can color the frame bars and the background.  
The letters to the words can be a dark color, and the background can be pale.

Blessings, and Thank You
Printable Bible Activity Mini-Magazine

(c) Mr. Adron D. 11/6/19 
Isaiah 55:10-11

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