You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Free John 12:24-25 Print And Color Page.

This is a printable coloring page with John 12:24-25, "Anyone who loves their life will lose it..." Bible verse.

Here is a print and color page features one of those "hard sayings" of Jesus. It is a call to discipleship and about giving your all to Christ.
It helps you to memorize the scripture when you color in the words to the verse.

John 12:24 says,

"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life..." John 12:24-25 NIV©

I create these coloring pages because I love the Bible the Word of the Lord. I hope they are a blessing to you.

If you have problems printing CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print, page for some helpful suggestions or try the updated link below that should print better.


Support my Bible art by becoming a Patron and make a pledge of $3:50 a month. When you do you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a children's activity printable bulletin every week including the BONUS material available only to patrons. Visit my BIBLE ACTIVITIES TAB above to download the free version. It has pages of puzzles, coloring pictures, and games for the kids.  You can share it with the kids in your church, Awana Bible club, class, came, VBS, Back yard Bible club, school, and home. Use the button below.

Thank You!
Free John 12:24-25 Print and Color Page,
"Anyone who loves their life" Bible verse

Even though it takes hours, I create these How to Draw Worksheets because I believe that when we have been blessed it is so that we can become a blessing to others. I hope you enjoy these projects and they help you

Thank You!

Below is a link that has been modified to print better on some printers.

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.

There are a lot of ways that you can color this to make it an interesting and pleasing picture.
There are flowers to color in and vines.  There is a small icon of a cross scene in the bottom corner.

Kids like to color with crayons, but if you try colored pencils, you will be able to get into the smaller areas. My favorite coloring pencils are Prismacolor. Prismacolor pencils can be found at Staples, Michaels, or Hobby Lobby. (I always look for coupons online.)

Blessings, And Thank You
(c) Mr. Adron D. 2/29/20 
Isaiah 55:10-11