You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Free Luke 2:14 Print and Color Page, Peace on Earth Bible Verse

I am glad to share my coloring page for Luke 2:14, a verse for Advent and Christmas. 

This verse is an important one for many reasons. We hear it so often we forget how deep the truths it teaches are. This scripture first gives Glory to God, no significant doubt. The hope of peace for all men is secondary; although we want to focus on peace, the Bible focuses on the Glory of God. It is a favorite verse for people to meditate on and memorize. Some beautiful songs and art have been created inspired by this verse, to a beautiful Print of this verse by Peter Gross CLICK HERE to see it. More importantly, it gives us inside to the heart and plan of God.  

Luke 2: 14 says,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men. 
To read this verse in context, follow this link, Luke 2:14.


If you want to study this verse, here is a link to a hub of helpful commentaries on it. CLICK HERE.


I spent all day creating this coloring page. I borrowed some elements from other coloring pages. I wanted a simple coloring page focusing on God's Word and not on an artist's ability, so I kept the design simple. I am happy with how it turned out, and I hope you like it. 


If you have problems making the file below print or are printing on A-4 sized paper then, then see the HOW TO PRINT tab for some suggestions that I have found helpful.  Or you can try the PDF file below.


Support my coloring pictures blog through Patreon for $3.50 a month, and you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a kid's printable activity booklet every week. (CLICK HERE to see a list of free samples). It will have bonus material not available anywhere else. You can use it in your church, VBS, camp, Bible club, outreach, class, school, and at home. Click the button below to go to my Patreon page.

Thank you!  

Free Luke 2:14 Print and Color Page, Peace on Earth Christmas Verse

It takes me hours to draw these coloring pages, but I draw them because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you.  Use the Paypal button to donate.

Thank You!

Below is a link in PDF format that may work better on some devices. 

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.

If you use fine-tipped markers or colored pencils, this picture can be lovely when it is done, and it is an excellent reminder of a beautiful scripture. The verses' letters are open enough to color in. there are vines around the border and flowers that can be colored. The frame bars can be a different and contrasting color from everything else. The background can make the picture look like an ancient manuscript. I hope you create a masterpiece. 

Blessings, And Thank You
© A.E. Dozat  12/1/2020
Isaiah 55:10-11

Let me tell you about a ministry I am excited about and support.  Because I believe in God's Word and the Gospel's power to change lives, I donate to the Southern Cross Bible Distribution Project- an outreach of the Southern Baptist Convention.  Southern Cross distributes Bibles to internationals in their own language, particularly Mandarin.  CLICK HERE  to visit their website so you may learn more about how to support them through prayer and other means.