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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Libre Hechos 2:21 Imprimir y Colorear Página, Free Acts 2:21 in Spanish Print and Color Page

I am glad to share this printable coloring page with you. It is Acts 2:21 in Spanish. I hope you like it and that you can use it. I created this for my Spanish friends, and I am so glad to share it with you. 


This verse helps us to understand the message of the Gospel.  It is the promise of salvation to those who believe in the name of the Lord.  It says we must call on the name of the Lord to be saved. Makes me think it is not automatic, but you must make a choice to accept him. It does not say that we do stuff like giving to charity or doing heroic good deeds to get into heaven, but it is by the authority of the Name of Jesus, which means it is because of what he did that brings us to God. 

This is a popular memory verse, and coloring this page will help you to remember it.  
Acts 2:21 says,
Y todo aquel que invoque el nombre del Señor, será salvo. Hechos 2:21.


I combined several drawings by hand and traced pieces from some other coloring pages that I had made in the past. It had to be scanned back into the computer, and I used Microsoft Paint to clean things up.  I drew the straight lines and created the letters with the computer. Even though I used the computer and traced designs, it still took a long time to create. 
I am very pleased with how it turned out and hope you can use it. 


This picture is designed on USA standard letter-sized paper. If you are using s different size, do not worry; it will still print perfectly if you go to your dialogue box and change the settings to something lie edge to edge printing or fit to size. The picture below is like a Word doc and should print without a problem. If you do have trouble For help with printing, then CLICK HERE to go to my HOW TO PRINT page, where I have gathered some tips for you.  I have also placed a link below that will take you to a PDF of this picture that you can download.


If you support my art through Patreon with a $3.50 a month gift, you will not only enable me to create more of these coloring pages that are being used all over the world, you will also receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a printable children's activity bulletin every week. It will have pages of coloring pictures, puzzles, games, and fun. You will want to use it in your vacation Bible school, class, church, Bible club, camp, and outreach. Click the button below to get started. 

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Libre Hechos 2:21 Imprimir y colorear página,
Free Acts 2:21 in Spanish1 Print and Color Page

Even though it takes hours, I am glad to draw these coloring pages for you because I love God’s Holy Word, and I hope you are blessed by them.

Thank you.

Below is a link that has been modified to print better on some printers; it is a PDF. It seems to work better for some people. 

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.


I suggest that you use fine-tipped markers or colored pencils. There are a lot of ways that you can color this. The letters are big enough to fill in; think about using a color like blue, or brown, or something besides black for the letters. . There are lots of flowers and vines and images of two people in a posture of prayer.

(c) Adron 6/15/19
Isaiah 55:9-10