You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Free Print and Color Page For John 3:30, "Jesus Must Become More Important..." Bible Verse

I am glad to share my John 3:30 print and coloring page. 

John 3:30 is a challenging verse and a basic truth of the Christian life. It is well to learn early on in your walk of faith that our life of faith is about Jesus and not our experiences, goals, or tasks. our lives should see an increase of Jesus and a diminishing of ourselves. We still have unique personalities and identities, but our purposes, ambitions, and motivations are about Jesus and not our interests. 

John 3:30 says, "Jesus must become more important, while I become less important.." John 3:30. I used a modern translation since it was intended for the kids, and I didn't want a lot of hard "church words" that they did not understand. 


John 3:30 Print and Color page Jesus must become more important.

Use the PayPal button to make your one-time donation. 

Thank You! 

 👉👉👉 CLICK HERE to download the PDF for this coloring page.


The image below is a JPEG and usually prints by clicking it and choosing from your pull-down menu. If you have problems or are printing on an international-sized paper, CLICK HERE and visit my how-to-print page for some helpful tips. There is a PDF below that may print better if you have problems.


I draw coloring pages because I love God's word, and I hope they bless you. I am more than glad to do it for you. I share them for free; you may print as many as you can.

The art for this came from one of the children's activity mini-magazines I make each week for the church. It turned out well, so I made it into a coloring page. 

Blessings, and Thank You. 
Sample page of Bible Time Fun Weekly

© A.E. Dozat 8/9/22
Isaiah 55:10-11

You can support my Bible art. Make a pledge of only $3.50 a month through Patreon, and you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a children's Bible verse activity booklet every week. Use the button below to get started.