You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Free Printable Children's Bible Activity Mini-Magazine, Issue 167

I am glad to share issue 167 of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY. I hope you are as delighted with it as I am. 

Here is my printable mini-magazine for the kids in church. I design puzzles, create activities, and draw pictures to color based on Bible verses. I hope you can use this in your Bible classes, ESL classes, VBS, Bible Club, Upwords ministry, and more.  



Issue 167 has 18 exciting activities for all ages.

I am happy with how everything in this issue turned out. I am thrilled with the code-breaker activity (in the subscriber's version). It has lots of words and clues, so anyone should be able to solve it. 

The word search puzzles are as perfect as I can get them. 

The coloring pictures offer a lot of variety. The Psalm 107:9 coloring activity is elementary and open for younger artists. The 2 Corinthians 12:9 (in the subscriber's version) and 1 Corinthians 16:14 have smaller areas that will be fun for older artists. The 1 Corinthians 16:14 coloring picture I drew a few years ago for the kids in church, and I put on my blog as a full-sized coloring picture.

I am happy with the connect-the-dots activity. It is a simple barn for the parable of the foolish wealthy man from Luke 12. I had to draw it a few times and use the computer a lot to get it right.

The find-the-difference activity always takes a long time, and this was the case. It is the five sparrows from Jesus' words in Luke 12:6-7. The find the difference activity is in the subscriber's version.

The memory verse continues the series for John 1. 

Almost all activities have an open-ended discussion question so you can have meaningful discussions as you do the activities with your children.


To receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY in your weekly email, subscribe through Patreon. It is only $3.50 a month. When you subscribe, you will receive the expanded version with the extra pages and an editable Word doc emailed directly to you. Use the button below.

Thank You!

Below are two sample pages from this issue. The free version has 6 pages, and the subscribers' version has 8.

Free Printable Bible Activity Mini-Magazine for Kids, Issue 167

Free Printable Bible Verse Activity Mini-Magazine, Issue 167

These mini-magazines take hours to create, but I make them because I love God's Word. I genuinely hope they are a blessing to you. 

They are free, and you are welcome to print as many as you can use. Use the Paypal button to make your donation.


Thank You!

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for the PDF to issue 167

Come back next week for another issue of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY. Use it for your ministry and church, or become a Patreon, and it will come to your inbox, including members-only bonus material.

Blessings and Thank You,
© A.E. Dozat 8/5/22
Isaiah 55:10-11

NOTE: MISSIONARIES, CHURCH PLANTERS, INNER-CITY MINISTRIES, ESL TEACHERS, AND ANY OTHER FAITH WORKERS- IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD THE $3:50 FOR THE EXPANDED SUBSCRIBERS VERSION, I WANT YOU TO HAVE IT TOO. Follow THIS LINK to a partner organization that has permission to share the expanded version; no donation is needed (but welcomed). Your positive comments will help them to track this ministry.