You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Printable Acorns and Leaves autumn coloring picture.

This is a printable picture for the kids to color with acorns and autumn leaves. 

Teachers, parents, kids clubs, and homeschool families will be able to use this in lots of ways. It can be given as a classroom project. or as a home project. It could be part of a harvest party or a child's celebration.

Printable acorn and autumn leaves coloring page

My coloring pages are free and you may print as many as you like. I only ask that if you are able that you consider making a small contribution to support my art.

To print the picture just highlight it and send it to your printer. Some printers work best if you drag it to the desktop and print from there. If you have problems printing see the HOW TO PRINT print tab above for some suggestions.

Click here for an updated file that might print better.

The acorns can be colored light brown with dark brown tops. The leaves can be yellow, orange, red, or brown but put a little green near the centers for contrast. The background can be green or blue.
(c)Adron Dozat 9/30/15

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Weeping Angel Printable Coloring Page

This is a coloring page with The Weeping Angel picture.  

I drew this picture as an art lesson for some kids, but I worked so hard on getting the pose right and the subject matter just right that I really fell in love with it. It is an angel weeping at a grave.

I know some kids are into angels, and some teens are into the dark aspects of life. I offer this in the hopes that it may do some good for someone who wants to color it in. It may help someone who is dealing with some dark issues.  It would be a good picture for Halloween.

Coloring pages make a nice vacation activity in the car or on a plane.

If you have problems, see the HOW TO PRINT tab above.

Printable Weeping Angel Coloring Page.

I hope you have a fun time coloring this page. I had a lot of fun drawing it.

Thank you!

Click here for a file in PDF that may print better. 

This can be a dark night picture with a lot of blues, violets. and lavenders. It could be done in monochrome like a marble statue. I like the robe to be blue and the cross to be a little rose or salmon color for warmth.

(C) Adron 9/29/15

Become a Patron!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Printable Eagle Coloring page.

I drew a coloring page to illustrate a Bible verse but thought the illustration worked well by itself without the scripture verse.

It is a simple picture of an eagle coming to its nest where an eaglet awaits.

To print the coloring page, highlight it and send it to your printer or save it to your device to print later. Some people have better luck by dragging the image to their desktop and printing from there. See the how-to-print tab if you need help.

Printable Eagle Coloring Page

Below is a file that may print better on some devices.

CLICK HERE to go to a file that might print better on newer machines.

It is a very useful picture. It could be part of a lesson on birds, colored and used as a cover for a kid's homework assignment, or modified by a teacher to teach a lesson about nature.

Coloring pages make a nice vacation activity for in the car or on a plane.

* * * * *
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope these coloring pages are helpful.
To find more like this use the search-box above or choose from the most popular in the sidebar. I am sure you will find some you will like.

(C) Adron 9/28/15
Isaiah 55:10-11

Become a Patron!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Printable Coloring Page Psalm 91:4 He Will Cover You

Free Psalm 91:4 print and color page for kids and adults.

This is a wonderful scripture of comfort and hope.  

Psalm 91:4 says,

 "He will cover you with His feathers; under his wings, you will find safety." Psalm 91:4. (Paraphrased)



If you have problems making the image below print CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page, I have gathered some helpful tips for you and put them there.

I traced the eagle many times before being happy with its appearance. This picture took many hours to create since I traced the letters and redo the nest. It all turned out nicely, and I hope you like it. 


Support my Bible art with a monthly gift $3:50 month gift through Patreon, and you will receive it as my thank you gift, BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY every week as my thank-you gift. (CLICK HERE to see a list of free samples). It is like a church bulletin for kids and has pages full of activities for kids in your church, Bible club, class, camp, VBS, school, and home.

Thank you very much!

Psalm 91:4 Printable Coloring Page

It takes me hours to draw these coloring pages, but I draw them because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you.

Use the donation button to support my Bible art.

Thank You very much!

The image above is like a photo, and the one below is digital. 

👉👉👉 Some printers work better with a PDF. CLICK HERE.

The picture shows an eagle landing on the nest with the eaglet looking up. The nest is in a branch on a cliff.  The Bible verse is drawn in large bubble letters so the little fingers can color it in. 
The cliff walls can be colored in sandstone color with browns, tans, and oranges. 
The Eagle can be colored dark brown and leave the head and tail white. 
The baby eaglet is a light gray. 
The nest can be all kinds of colors. 
The branch can be gray. 
The sky behind the eagle could be blue.

Blessings, And Thank You.
Bible Time Fun Weekly cover sample

(C) Adron D. 9/27/15
Isaiah 55:10-11

Support my Bible art through Patreon, and each week you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY as my thank-you.
Use the button below.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Printable Bible Verse Coloring Page, James 1:17 Every Good Gift Comes From Above

This is a free James 1:17 print and color Bible verse.

It is a popular and familiar Bible verse that encourages us to be thankful for God's gifts and acknowledges God as the giver of gifts.  James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of Lights in whom is no change or shadow of turning." James 1:17. Coloring in the letters helps to teach the truths of the verse.

If you have trouble making the image file print  "CLICK HERE" to visit the how to print page for suggestions on how to print. You can try one of the updated links below that may print better.


For a pledge of only $3.50 a month through Patreon you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a kid's activity bulletin with kids' word puzzles, pictures to color, and brain teasers. Visit my BIBLE ACTIVITIES TAB above to download the free version. You can use it in your club, camp, church, class, VBS, or at home. Use the button below to get started.

Thank You!

Printable Bible Verse James 1:17 Coloring Page

I create these free coloring pages because I love God's word and I hope you are blessed by them. I am more than glad to do it for you. You may print as many of my coloring pages as you can use. Kindly support my art through the Paypal button below. 

Thank You!

CLICK HERE for a universal portable file.

Kids like to color in the letters and the rays of light can be done as a contrast.

Thank You And God Bless
© Adron D. 9/20/15
Isaiah 55:10-11

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Lord Directs The Steps Printable Coloring Page

This is a free Psalm 37:23 Print and color page.

This is a scripture that has inspired many people over the centuries.

Become a Patron!Click 👆above 👆 to subscribe. When you subscribe to my coloring pages, you will receive a new one every week. 

Psalm 37:23 says. 

"The Lord directs the steps of the good man, and he delights in his way." Psalm 37:23.

The letters of the words are open enough to color in. Kids like to color in the letters, and some spend hours coloring each letter different. The feet or steps can be colored. One can try counting them too.

If you have problems printing, then CLICK HERE  to visit the how-to-print page for some suggestions or try the updated link below that should print better.



Support my Bible art with a monthly gift $3:50 month gift through Patreon, and you will receive it as my thank you gift, BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY (CLICK HERE for some samples).   I create it every week as my thank-you gift. It is like a printable magazine for kids and is full of activities for kids in your church, Bible club, class, came, VBS, school, and home.

Thank you for your kind support!

Psalm 37:23 The Lord Directs Our Steps Printable Coloring Page. 

It can take me hours to draw these coloring pages, but I do it because I love God's Blessed Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you. 

Thank You!

If you like this printable coloring page, You might also like the one for Psalm 37:4; CLICK HERE.

Here is a link that has been modified to print better.

CLICK HERE to go to an image file (PDF) that may be better for newer printers.

You can see a poster version of this for sale at my society 6 store; click here.

Blessings, and Thank You
© A. E. Dozat 9/8/15
Isaiah 55:10-11