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Saturday, October 17, 2020

1 John 3:18 Print and Color Page. "...Let us love with actions and truth..." Bible verse

This is a free print and color page for 1 John 3:18. 

This verse challenges us to live a life of living works and not just talk about love. 


1 John 3:18 Says.

"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18.

I spent a long time designing this coloring page. I wanted to put something in the corners and thought that hearts would be good since the verse was about love.  I put a scene in the lower corner with a cross in it because it was on the cross that we see the Love of God demonstrated.  There are a lot of flowers and fun things to color around the border. 


If you have trouble printing the image below or are printing on A-4 sized paper, CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page. I have some helpful tips for you there. There is a link below that may print better if you have problems.


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Free print and color page for 1 John 3:18, Love in Actions Bible verse

It takes me hours to draw these coloring pages, but I draw them because I love God's Word and hope they are a blessing to you.


Here is a link to a PDF file that may print better on some devices.

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format. 

You can have a lot of fun coloring this picture. 
The letters are opened enough to color in with fine-tipped markers or pencils. 
Of course, the hearts can be red, pink, or some other color. 
The many different flowers give a lot of room to be creative with different color patterns. 
A ribbon intertwined in the flowers is almost hidden, but it gives an area for contrasting colors.  
The frame bars can be another place for contrasting colors.  
The background can be colored, too.

Blessings, And Thank You,
© A. E. Dozat 10/17/20
Isaiah 55:10-11