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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Free Bible Romans 8:15 Verse Word Search Activity for Kids.

This is a free Bible verse word search using Romans  8:15 for the text. 

It is a free sample from BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY  Issue 76, a kid's activity bulletin for children's church, camps, clubs, and homeschool.


BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY is published each week and is available to subscribers. (I'm sorry, I would love to give it out free, but when it takes 25 to 30 hours to create, I just can't afford to only hope for an occasional donation for my labor). Subscription is only $3.50 a month, and you get a 4-page Bi-fold printable with 10 scripture verse activities for the kids every week emailed to you. 

This word search is a free sample. 

Romans 8:15 says. 

"For the Spirit that God has given you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God's children, and by the Spirit's power we cry out to God, "Father! my Father!"" Romans 8:15.GNT

You might ask why I choose the Romans 8:15 verse for one of the ten in this children's activity bulletin. I do not apologize for giving the hard sayings of the Bible, because when we only teach the easy, fun verses about love and fulfillment that are easy and require nothing of us, then our youth grow up with a view of Christ, the church, and faith as something shallow, easy, and requires nothing of them. But being a generation of activism, they are looking for something to live for, and a shallow faith does not resound to them, so they pursue other causes to live for. 

However, like all others, this issue contains many of the "favorites" that we all cherish.  

If you would like to subscribe to BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, click on the Patreon button tab to learn more. 


If you have problems making this Bible verse word search to print then, CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page for some suggestions.  
Free Romans 8:15 Bible Verse Maze Activity

Blessings, and Thank You, 
© A. E. Dozat 10/29/20
Isaiah 55:10-11

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