You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Free Wordsearch for Psalm 139:1-3, From Bible Time Fun Activity Weekly Issue 72

Here is a free Bible verse word search puzzle for Psalms 139:1-3.

The Wordsearch is a free sample from issue 72 of Bible Time Fun Weekly Activity Bulletin.  BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY is a free multi-page children's activity bulletin with scripture-based activities, puzzles, coloring pages, and more. It is emailed to subscribers every week. It has 10 Bible verse activities for kids. 



You should have received this week's issue in your email by now. If you have not or if you have any problems let me know and I will send it to you again 

28 HOURS! 
I spent close to 28 hours creating this issue. I am really happy with how it turned out! I tried to add some deeper verses- not the same milk of the Word. I included more of my art in this issue so the kids have a few extra things to color.  

I started to make coloring pages for the kids in church when I taught in our Awana Club. But that is not the only reason. I believe that when you receive blessings you should be a blessing, so since I have been blessed as an artist  I create this little publication for the kids in church. I hope this small publication will be a blessing to others.

If you have never received the Bible Time Fun Weekly activity bulletin then click on the SUBSCRIBE tab to learn more. It is only $3.50 a month. (I'm sorry that I can't do it for free but each issue takes between 20 and 30 hours or more to design and create each week and that is just too much work for an occasional donation.)  Support my art through Patreon and receive Bible Time Fun Weekly.
Become a Patron!


Below are two pages of this four-page program-style bifold. This is perfect to give to kids after church, class, or club. 

Sample Issue 72 Bible Time Fun Kid's Church Activity Bulletin

To receive this every week and other bonus materials monthly support my art blog through Patreon. 
To begin click on the Patreon button below.

Below is the free Bible verse word search for Psalms 139:1-3. 
If you have problems printing this then visit my HOW TO PRINT tab for some suggestions.

Psalm 139:1-3 Bible Verse Wordsearch, Free sample from Bible Time Fun Page 4 Issue 72

A person could take  10 to 20 hours to create something like this. But why? Wouldnt you be better off spending your time preparing to teach? For only $3:50 a month you will receive this bulletin type bifold printable every week with up to 10 activities that will add value and fun to your club, class, or meeting. Subscribers may make copies and distribute them to their class, church, club, etc. You could email it to those who you are reaching for Christ.  

I would be so happy to partner with you in your program. 

Thank you,

Adron. 10/2020 ©

Become a Patron!