You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Free Print and Color Page for Psalm 35:18, a Thanksgiving verse.

Here is a free to print coloring page for Psalm 35:18, a Thanksgiving verse. 

This verse declares a person's resolve and commitment to praise God publicly or boldly. It says the psalmist will praise God is in the great assembly and among the throngs. This is not someone who is quietly saying some little prayer in silence but someone willing to shout God's praise in a public and bold way. 

If you would like to study this verse, here is a link to a hub of commentaries on it. CLICK HERE. 


Become a Patron!Click 👆above 👆 to subscribe. When you subscribe to my coloring pages, you will receive a new one every week. Or, to make a one-time donation without subscribing, use the PayPal button below the image.

Psalm 35:18 says,

I will give you thanks in the great assembly; I will praise you among the throngs. Psalms 35:18.

Free Psalm 35:18 Thanksgiving Verse Print and Color Page 
Use the PayPal button to donate to support my Bible art. 

Thank you!

Here is a link to a file that may print better. It is a PDF file.

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.

If you have problems making the image below print, CLICK HERE to visit my how-to-print page, I have gathered some helpful tips for you and put them there. You can try the updated link below to a PDF file that may print better on some devices. 


I have drawn many Bible verse coloring pages. To quickly scroll through a list of hundreds of my coloring pages, CLICK HERE

I draw these coloring pages because I love God's word, and I hope they are a blessing to you. 
I spent several hours designing and creating this coloring page for you. I hope you like it.

There are many ways to color this picture to make it beautiful. 
There are a lot of flowers around the border to color in. 
There are frame bars that can be a complementary hue.  
The letters are opened and colored in. 
The background can be a pale color that will offset the other colors. 
There are two images of people worshipping God with thanksgiving in the corners that can be colored. 

Blessings, And Thank You
Sample of Bible Activity Mini Magazine
© A. E. Dozat 11/25/20
Isaiah 55:10-11

Please support my Bible art through Patreon, and each week you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY as my thank-you.
Use the button below.

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