You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Romanos 8:28 Página para colorear en español para imprimir gratis, (Free Romans 8:28 Printable Coloring Page in Spanish)

Here is a Romans 8:28 printable coloring page I created a few years ago but in this one, I changed the language of the text to Spanish using the Reina-Valera 1995 translation. I do not speak Spanish well and tried my best to make the line breaks in logical places. 


This is one of those wonderful scriptures that we all memorize. It gives us hope that God is working in our hearts to make us more like Christ. 

Romanos 8:28 says,  Sabemos, además, que a los que aman a Dios, todas las cosas los ayudan a bien, esto es, a los que conforme a su propósito son llamados.


The image below is a JPEG which is like a photo image. Most people can print it without a problem. If you have any problem then see the HOW TO PRINT tab for some suggestions. I put a link to a PDF below the picture in case you prefer that.


WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE PRINTABLE BIBLE ACTIVITIES EVERY WEEK? When you support my Bible verse coloring page blog through Patreon you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a kid's activity bulletin every week. It is full of puzzles, coloring pictures, and fun. You can use it in club, church, class, VBS, camp, and at home. Click the button below to get started.

Thank you for your kind support.

Romanos 8:28 Página para colorear en español para imprimir gratis
(Romans 8:28 Printable Coloring Page in Spanish)

It takes me hours to draw these coloring pages but I draw them because I love God's Word, and I hope they are a blessing to you. DONATE

Below is a link to a file in PDF format if you prefer it over the image above.



There are a lot of little things that you can do to make this a nice picture. The letters are opened up enough to color in, consider a bright color for the letters to contrast the dull greys of the tools. The toolbox can be red, brown, or any color. Tools are normally dull greys but you can still add color to the handles and different parts.  

Blessings, and Thank you,
(C) Adron 5/19/2021
Isaiah 55:10-11

My coloring pages are free, so print as many as you need.  I only ask that you consider making a small contribution to support my art. CLICK HERE  to donate through Paypal. Your gift will let me know you appreciate these and I will be able to create more. Thank you