You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Monday, June 21, 2021

요한 복음 20:31 인쇄 및 컬러 페이지, 한국어. 비어 있는 John 20:31 Print and Color Page, in Korean.

I am glad to create and share this coloring page with you. It is John 20:31 in Korean. It is the, "These things are written so you may believe..." "Bible verse. 

John 20:31 explains why the Gospel of John, and maybe the whole Bible, was written.

John 20:31 says,
"오직 이것을 기록함은 너희로 예수께서 하나님의 아들 그리스도이심을 믿게 하려 함이요 또 너희로 믿고 그 이름을 힘입어 생명을 얻게 하려 함이니라." John 20:31.

If you would like to see a few more Bible verse coloring pages in Korean CLICK HERE to go to my  Korean Bible verse page. 


The border for this picture is a copy of one that I did for the English version of this verse. It originally took over four hours for me to design.  I trace the art over a few times to get it all right and then I scan it into the computer. I wanted for there to be a lot of things that a person could be creative with around the border. The text was created with the computer. 


This coloring page should print without problems but if you do have trouble printing "CLICK HERE" to go to my how-to-print page where I have put some advice that may be of help.  There is a link to a PDF below that may work better if you have problems. 


Please support my Bible verse coloring pictures with a $3.50 a month gift through Patreon, and you will receive my BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY activity bulletin every week as my gift to you. It will have pages of fun puzzles and activities for the kids in your church, camp, club, school, or home. 
Click the button below.

Thank you.

요한 복음 20:31 인쇄 및 컬러 페이지, 한국어. 비어 있는
John 20:31 Print and Color Page, in Korean. 

It takes me hours to draw these coloring pages but I draw them because I love God's Word and I hope they are a blessing to you.  I am glad that I am able to share them for free but your gift will help me continue to serve you.

Thank You.

Below is a link that may print better on some devices, it is a PDF.

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format. If you have problems printing see the help tab above.


You can do a lot to make this into a beautiful picture. There are flowers and paisley designs around the edges to color. There is a picture of a Bible at the bottom. The letters are by nature thin, but if you are using a fine-tipped marker or colored pencils you can fill them in. 

Blessings, And Thank You
© Mr. Adron 6/21/20
Isaiah 55:10-11