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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Proverbios Gratis 3: 5-6 Imprime y Colorea una Página en Español, Free Proverbs 3:5-6 Print and Color Page in Spanish,

I am happy to share this print and color page of Proverbs 3:5-6 in Spanish.  I really hope you like it.



This is one of those favorite scriptures that teach us to trust God and seek His guidance, and it is a promise that he will give guidance.  Many people memorize it and teach it to their kids.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says. "Confía en Jehová con todo tu corazón y no te apoyes en tu propia prudencia. 6 Reconócelo en todos tus caminos y él hará derechas tus veredas.." Proverbios 3:5-6.


This picture started as a coloring page I did for a church bulletin. The art in the background is a road through the country, and it took several tries before I got it right. I traced it several times before it looked good.  After I finished drawing it, I used the scanner to download it into my computer, and then I changed a few more things with the Microsoft Paint program.  It took days worth of work, but I am very pleased with how it looked. I wanted to get the most out of the work, so I created a series of pictures in different languages.


This picture is created for USA letter-sized paper, but if you are using something, you may need to change your printer’s dialog box to get it to fit.  The image below should print nicely on most systems. If you have any problems, CLICK HERE to go to my HOW TO PRINT page for some suggestions. 

I also put a PDF file below that may work better if the other does not work for you. 


Kindly support my coloring pictures blog through Patreon with a monthly gift of $3.50. You will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a kid’s printable activity bulletin every week when you do. The bonus pages are not available anywhere else, AND you will have immediate access to the archives of recent issues. Click the button below.

Thank you.

Proverbios gratis 3: 5-6 Imprime y colorea una página en español,
Free Proverbs 3:5-6 Print and Color Page in Spanish, 

I am glad that I can share these coloring pages free of charge. You are welcome to print as many as you need. But please consider making a small contribution to support my art so that I may be able to continue to serve you.

Thank You. 

If there is any problem making this picture pint properly, then try the PDF file below. Many people seem to have an easier time with this type of file. 

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format. (This PDF has 4 pages. The 3rd page in Spanish. The other three are the same scripture in English, Chinese-Mandarin, and Yoruba language- an African language. I need to try to save room on my server, so I combined these for the pdf. Consider it a bonus!)


You can make a beautiful picture when you take your time with it. I think fine-tipped markers or colored pencils work best because then you can get into the finer areas.  The shrubs can be more than one green; they should be paler as they are further back. The road can be sandy color or red or brown. Consider using purple, lavender, and violet for the distant hills. The letters can be colored in, so get creative and pick a beautiful color for the words. The sun's rays can be yellow or orange.  You can color the sky blue and leave the clouds white, but add a little pale color like rose, lavender, and yellow like the dawn.

I hope you create a masterpiece! 

Blessings, and Thank you. 
© Adron D. 6/19/2021
Isaiah 55:10-11