You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Free Printable Bible Activity Kid's Mini-Magazine, Issue 166

Here is issue 166 of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY. 

Here is my printable mini-magazine for the kids in church. I design puzzles, create activities, and draw pictures to color based on Bible verses. I hope you can use this in your Bible classes, ESL classes, VBS, Bible Club, Upwords ministry, and more.  



This issue has 19 fun activities.

One of my favorite activities is the code-breaker (in the subscriber's version) for Psalm 119:9. It is a short verse, so I gave Five clues to help. I used shapes, arrows, and symbols to create the code. 

I am happy with the connect-the-dots activity for the verse from Joel 2:24-25. I had to sketch it a few times, and then I had to use the computer to generate the numbers and get the dots in position.  

The find the difference activity (in the subscriber's version) took a few hours to create. It is the calling of Matthew while he sits at the tax collector's table.  

I ran out of ideas for the coloring pictures, so I used one from my blog of coloring pages, The coloring picture of Luke 1:37, which in the King James Version says, "For with God nothing shall be impossible." You can see the original letter-sized printable at Luke coloring page

The memory verse starts a new series for John 1. 

Remember to return weekly to get the latest issue for your ministry and church.

Almost all activities have an open-ended discussion question so you can have meaningful discussions as you do the activities with your children.


If you would like to receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY in your weekly email, subscribe through Patreon. It is only $3.50 a month. When you subscribe, you will receive the expanded version with the extra pages, and an editable Word doc emailed directly to you. Use the button below.

Thank You!

Here are two sample pages from this issue. The free version has 6 pages, and the subscribers' version has 8

Sample cover for Bible Time Fun Weekly issue 166

Sample inside of Bible Time Fun Weekly Issue 166

Every week I spend countless hours making these Bible activity booklets, but I make them because I love God's Word. I sincerely hope they are a blessing to you. 

They are free, and you are welcome to print as many as you can use. 

When you donate through Paypal, use the comments feature to let me know how you use my Bible art. 


Thank You!

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for the PDF to issue 166.


I have many issues available to you for immediate download. These are the free versions with 6 pages of activities. If you want to access the list of all available issues, CLICK HERE

Come back each week for the latest issue of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY. Use it for your ministry and church, or become a Patreon, and it will come to your inbox, including members-only bonus material.

Blessings and Thank You,
© A.E. Dozat 7/29/22
Isaiah 55:10-11