You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Free 1Peter 4:8 Print and Color Page, Love Each Other, Bible Verse

This is a free print and color page for 1 Peter 4:8.

It takes me hours to draw these coloring pages, but I draw them because I love God's Word and hope they bless you. 

This is a simple verse, but you should not be too quick to dismiss it because, like all scripture, there is more below the surface than you initially think. It is a call to love and not just any love but deep love, which implies sacrificial love. It says love covers a multitude of sins, and that means forgiveness. Love is the basis of forgiveness. 

1 Peter 4:8 says,

Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.1 Peter 4:8.

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If you want to study this verse in more debt - I recommend following the link to a hub of commentaries on it. CLICK HERE

1 Peter 4:8 Print and Color Page, Lover each Other, Bible Verse. 

Use the PayPal button to make a one-time donation. 

Thank you for your kind support!

Below is a link to a PDF file that may print better on some devices.

CLICK HERE for a file in PDF format.

If you have any problems making the file below print, then CLICK HERE to visit the how-to-print page for suggestions. 

I have drawn many coloring pages for Bible verses. To quickly scroll through a list of hundreds of my coloring pages, CLICK HERE. 

It took me two days to create this coloring page. I traced it several times and then had to scan it into the computer and clean it up with the paint program that comes with the computer. I worked really hard on it and am very happy with how it turned out. I hope you like it. 

There are many ways that you can make this into a beautiful picture. 
  • There are a lot of little leaves and hears around the border that can be colored. 
  • There is a frame structure that can be colored a contrasting color. 
  • The background can be a soft hue to offset the other elements of the picture. 
  • The landscape with the cross can be colored in many different ways. 
  • You can use yellows and oranges in the light rays to contrast with the blue of the sky. 
  • The letters are opened and can be colored. 
  • Consider using brown or blue for the letters to the scripture. 

I hope you have fun with it and that God's Word encourages you as you color it. 

Blessings, and Thank You.
Free Bible Activity mini-magazine for kids. 

© A. E. Dozat 1/26/2021
Isaiah 55:10-11

You will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY weekly as my thank you when you support my Bible art with a monthly $3.50 pledge through Patreon. Use the button below.

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