You do not need to contact me to ask permission to print a bunch of my coloring pages for your school, church, or free event. I am glad to offer them. Please use the Paypal button to make your donation. See the permissions and restrictions statement in the footer for more details.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Free Ephesians 1:3 Print and Color Page, in Mandarin, "Praise be the God..." Bible Verse.

I am delighted to share my free print and color page of Ephesians 1:3 in the Mandarin language with you.


Ephesians 1:3says,  祝福上帝—我们的主耶稣基督之父。在基督里,上帝赐给了我们天国里所有属灵的祝福  以弗所书 1:3. ERVZH.  (In English that is, Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.)


I adapted this coloring page from one of the kid's activity bulletins that I make for some churches. I felt that it would appeal to more people, so I printed a special for my Chinese friends. I used the computer to create the letters. It took a long time to get things to look right, and I am glad it turned out so well. You are welcome to share it in your church, Bible club, VBS, Camp, or home. I think the design will be practical for children and adults to get a lot out of it. I hope you like it. 


The image below is a JPEG and should print without difficulty for most people. But if you have trouble making the image print, CLICK HERE to visit the HOW TO PRINT page for some suggestions. Or, if you prefer, you may use the updated PDF file below the picture. 


When you make a monthly pledge of $3.50 to support my Bible art, then you will receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY, a kid's activity bulletin with kids' word puzzles, pictures to color, and activities. You can use it in your club, camp, church, class, VBS, or at home. Use the button below to get started.

Thank You!

Free Ephesians 1:3 Print and Color Page in Mandarin

I create Bible verse coloring printables for you for free. They take a long time to create, sometimes days, but I am glad to do it for you. You are welcome to print as many as you can use. Kindly support my art through the Paypal button below. 

Thank you!

Here is a file in PDF that may work better on some devices. 

CLICK HERE for the PDF, 


This picture can be lovely when you take your time with it. Use fine-tipped markers or colored pencils, and then you can get into the finer areas. My favorite coloring pencils are Prismacolor pencils because they are so brilliant and blend nicely, you can find them at Michaels or Hobby Lobby, and you can usually find coupons for good discounts. The characters in the text can be colored in; I like to use something besides black for them. I like to keep the background pale so the scripture will be more dominant in the picture.  

I hope you create a masterpiece!

Blessings, and Thank you. 
© Adron 9/12/2021 
Isaiah 55:10-11