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Friday, August 26, 2022

Free Printable Bible Activity Mini-Magazine for Children. Issue 170

I am excited to have finished 170 of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY. I hope you like it. 

Each week I create a printable Bible activity mini-magazine for the kids in church. It is full of puzzles,  activities, and pictures to color using Bible verses. I am praying you can use this in your Bible classes, ESL classes, VBS, Bible Club, Upwords ministry, and more.  



In this issue, there is something for everyone. 

This issue has some of the most famous scriptures we use as we share the invitation to come to Jesus. Revelation 3:20 is used for the scrambler, and Matthew 11:28-29 is for the grid puzzle. 

Discipleship verses are used for the maze puzzle with Joshua 24:15, the washing of the disciple's feet John 13:12-17, which inspired the dot-to-dot activity, and Romans 12:1 is used for the explorer’s challenge mini bible study activity. There are scriptures on faith and devotion and several about the word of God.

One of the coloring pictures is very much for younger children, and John 15:16 is one I think the moms will like to do. 

I was surprised that the find the differences in the pictures activity turned out so well. It is the brass snake on the pole from Exodus. It is such a simple picture that I was afraid that I would only be able to design one or two differences between the two snake pictures, but I was able to squeeze out five. I hope you can find the five differences.  

The dot-to-dot was a challenge to create. I start by drawing the picture and then taking out the lines connected by the dots. But the drawing had two complicated elements, a hand, and a foot. It took a lot of tracing to get things to look right and a lot of computer drawing to finish. 

Every week I create a new code for the code breaker. This week I used the top row on the keyboard to invent the code. It looks complicated, but I gave a good set of clues so anyone can solve it. 

As always, most of the activities have open-ended discussion questions. I pray they are used as the springboard that launches life-changing talks. 


If you would like to receive BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY in your weekly email, all you need to do is to subscribe through Patreon. It is only $3.50 a month. When you subscribe, you will receive the expanded subscriber's version with the extra pages, and an editable Word doc emailed directly to you. Use the button below.

Thank You!

Here are two sample pages from this issue. This is from the free version, which has six pages, and the subscribers' version has eight pages.

Bible Time Fun Weekly Printable Mini-Magazine Issue 170 Cover

Bible Time Fun Weekly Issue 170, Interior Sample Pages

Every week I spend countless hours creating these Bible activity booklets, but I make them because I love God's Word. I sincerely hope they are a blessing to you. 

I offer them for free, and you are welcome to print as many as you can use. 

Use the Paypal button to support my Bible art. 


Thank You!

👉👉👉 CLICK HERE for the PDF to issue 170.


I have many issues available to you for immediate download. These are the free versions with 6 pages of activities. If you want to access the list of all available issues, CLICK HERE

Bookmark this blog and come back every week for the latest issue of BIBLE TIME FUN WEEKLY. Use it for your ministry and church, or become a Patreon, and it will come to your inbox, including members-only bonus material.

Blessings and Thank You,
© A.E. Dozat 8/26//22
Isaiah 55:10-11